제3205호 성 알로이시우스 그레이트 넥 한인 천주교회
연중 제20주일 제1독서 ▥ 이사야서56,1.6-7 화답송 시편 67(66),2-3.5.6과 8(◎ 4 참조) ◎ 하느님, 모든 민족들이 당신을 찬송하게 하소서. ○ 하느님은 자비를 베푸시고 저희에게 복을 내리소서. 당신 얼굴을 저희에게 비추소서. 당신의 길을 세상이 알고, 당신의 구원을 만민이 알게 하소서. ◎ ○ 당신이 민족들을 올바로 심판하시고, 세상의 겨레들을 이끄시니, 겨레들이 기뻐하고 환호하리이다. ◎ ○ 하느님, 민족들이 당신을 찬송하게 하소서. 모든 민족들이 당신을 찬송하게 하소서. 하느님은 우리에게 복을 내리시리라. 세상 끝 모든 곳이 그분을 경외하리라. ◎ 제2독서 ▥ 로마서11,13-15.29-32 복음 환호송 ◎ 알렐루야. ○ 예수님은 하늘 나라의 복음을 선포하시고 백성 가운데 병자들을 모두 고쳐 주셨네. ◎ 알렐루야. 복음 ✠ 마태오 복음15,21-28 <아, 여인아! 네 믿음이 참으로 크구나.> 영성체송 주님께는 자애가 있고 풍요로운 구원이 있네. 성가 입당 9 봉헌 220 성체 160 파견 445
☞ 공동체 소식
♣ 미사 참례시 반드시 마스크를 착용하시고 사회적 거리두기를 꼭 유지하시기 바랍니다.
♣ 미사후에 성체를 받아 모실수 있습니다.
♣ 주일미사의 의무 참석 예외는 계속 유예합니다. 바이러스 의심 증상을 보이시는 분 그리고 기저 질환이 있는 노약자 분들은 집에서 텔레비젼등을 통하여 미사드리시기를 권장합니다.
☞ 기도
강인경 헬렌 박한진 요한 박도원 가브리엘 최수용 프란치스코 최창학 베드로 최봉일 베드로 건강 회복을 위하여 기도 부탁드립니다
☞ 본당 소식
♣ 성 알로이시우스 성당에서는 주일 미사 와 평일 미사를 성당 수용 인원의 25% 범위 안에서 재개합니다. 또한 세례성사, 장례미사 그리고 혼배성사도 재게합니다. ♣ 견진성사 피정이
8월19일 수요일 오후7시 그리고 예행연습은 9월11일 금요일 오후7시에 교회에서 열릴 예정입니다.
☞ 기타 공지 사항
♣ 미사지향 신청과 교무금 납부는 사무실에서 받습니다. 사무실은 금요일과 일요일에 열려 있습니다 사무실 방문이 어려우신 교우분들은 우편으로 보내도 됩니다. 우편 접수 마감일은 매주 화요일 입니다.
♣ 한인공동체 주보는 블로그에서 찿아 볼 수 있습니다. https://gnkrchurch.blogspot.com/
☞ 재정 보고
◉ 우리의 정성
– 감사합니다. 교무금: $ 0.00 매일미사책: $ 10.00 총액: $ 10.00 Father Jiha Lim
As a priest
serving the needs of the people of God, I try my best, despite my limitations
and unworthiness, to understand and appreciate who others are and why they show
certain behaviors and traits. I especially try hard to empathize with, and show
compassion for, the scars and bruises others may have in their souls. The reason
why I focus so much on the scars and bruises of others is because very often
they affect who we are and sometimes even shape and define who we are. For
example, we cannot love, understand, and forgive others when we ourselves are
hurt so much or scarred deep from within. We lose our ability to listen to
others, accept them and embrace them when we ourselves are separated, alienated
and broken apart from God and from our sisters and brothers in Christ. In one way or another, we are
all outsiders who constantly thirst for being accepted by others and for a
sense of belonging. As children, we want to be part of a crowd that hangs out
together and have fun. Even as grown-ups, our search for acceptance and
belonging continues further and further. We want to identify ourselves with a
specific culture or ethnicity of our own heritage, we want to have a partner in
life, we want to have our own family, and we want to belong to a company or
career. Whether it is within our family,
in our group of friends or at our workplace, we want to receive some form of
security and comfort that we will always be included and embraced by others.
But for one reason or another, we gradually but definitely realize that this is
becoming harder and harder in today’s world. Something is
changing. Something is going wrong. Truth be
told, we look left and right in our neighborhood and we see families falling
apart. There is no longer a sense of security and comfort in our workplaces,
either. Not too many people take joy and pride in their career and in what they
do. And we all know that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the only
solution to these serious problems. In a world where there are so many
separating and dividing, our Lord Jesus mediates and reconciles. Our first
reading from Isaiah provides an Old Testament foreshadowing of the mission of our Lord to bring
outsiders together and heal their broken hearts. In a beautiful passage describing
the time when the people of
Israel are returning home to Jerusalem, we see that there
is already a significant
presence of Gentiles, or outsiders who
have settled there. Some of
these outsiders actually desire
to join in the faith of the
people of Israel and Isaiah welcomes them. Acting in the role of a “gatherer” and a “healer,” Isaiah
invites them to share the benefits and blessings of God’s
people, but also reminds them of the obligation
to observe the Sabbath, a sign of living differently from the pagan world. Isaiah concludes this passage by
saying that God’s house “will be a
house of prayer for all.” Our Gospel
selection builds on our first reading. The setting is a territory filled with
Gentiles, again, total outsiders. One of these Gentile women approaches Jesus to beg for an
exorcism for her tormented daughter. Every gesture of Jesus is deliberate. He
appears to be ignoring her but she persists. She knows that Jesus is her only
hope and only he can heal her. Finally Jesus turns to her and says “it is not
right to take the food of children and throw it to the dogs.” At that time
the Jews called Gentiles, “dogs” because they did not follow any
of God’s commandments. Of course we would find that
very offensive in today’s world. When Jesus does this he appears to be in league with
his Jewish audience. In spite of the rebuke, the Cannanite woman persists.Her
statement “even
the dogs eat the scraps” implies that Jesus has enough power to heal
even Gentiles. As we see
frequently in the Gospels, it is the outsider, the unexpected one who shows the greatest faith. How
perfectly does our second reading from St. Paul’s
Letter to the Romans complete this message? Paul writes that he is hoping that
the Gentiles, those who were considered the outsiders, maynow become the instruments to bring the
Jewish people to faith in
Christ. He is praying that there
will no longer be any distinction between Jew or Gentile, insider or outsider. Today we
find ourselves outsiders in so many different perspectives. Many of us are
separated from each other, feel hurt, lonely and isolated from the world, and broken off from Jesus Christ
our Lord and Savior. But today’s readings tell us that
such is not the case with us, the proud members of St. Aloysius Korean Apostolate
family, if we work to put an end to all forms of separation and divisions among
ourselves. There is to be no outsider in our community. There is to be no
competition, no egotism, and no self-centeredness. May God
teach and inspire us how to lead Gospel way of life by sending us those whom we
may consider outsiders. May God give us the gift of humility and openness to
learn from those whom we may consider worse than us and inferior to us. May the Lord
bless you and all your loved ones, especially your family, Amen.
No. 3205
2020. 8. 16
592 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, NY 11023-1217
TEL 516-466-8700 / FAX
Email : greatneckchurch@hotmail.com / Blog : gnkrchurch.blogspot.com “Rejoice in
hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12)
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary
Time Entrance
Song: 9 First
Reading: Is 56:1, 6-7 Responsorial
Psalm: R. (4) O God, let all the
nations praise you! Second
Reading: ROM 11:13-15, 29-32 Offering Song: 220 Gospel Acclamation: R. Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom and cured every disease among the people. Gospel: Mt 15:21-28 Communion Song: 160 Lord,
I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed. Closing Song: 445 Korean Bulletin Announcement
성당 관련 함께 공유하시고 싶은 사진, 동영상 또는 좋은 글들은 gnkrchurch@gmail.com
확인하는데로 바로 업로드 하겠습니다.
2020년 8월16 일 - 연중 제20주일 주보
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